Wednesday, February 13, 2019


How is it possible a year has already passed us by? It seems to have gone by way too fast. Everly is almost as tall as her sister was at 14 months(when we started measuring her on our Family ruler) coming in at 29inches and weighs 21.3lbs. She still only has two teeth and does not sleep through the night. This kid is going to be TROUBLE. She loves to climb on everything and gives us this look of "I know I'm not supposed to be doing this" every time we get onto her. She is very stubborn and hard headed, the 2's and 3's should be fun! She is walking more and more and has been as healthy as a one-year-old in daycare can possibly be. I'm pretty convinced she loves Emma more than Dayton and I. The way she watches every move Emma makes and just smiles at her melts my heart, though! I know it won't always be like that soon, so I try to cherish it now!

We had a fun birthday party at the house with Grandparents, Great Grandparents, Great Aunts, Uncles, Aunts, and our closest friends! She was very excited about the cake/candle until she tried to touch the fire and we had to tell her no. She then cried the rest of the way through the Happy Birthday song and was hesitant to eat the cake. Once we gave her a taste of it, though, it was over after that. She probably would have eaten the whole thing if we would have let her. We love this girl more and more every day, even if she doesn't let us sleep! Now enjoy the massive amounts of pictures, it was hard to limit them. My girls are just too cute! 😄

That look... she knows exactly what she's doing

Had to take sister down the slide!

Fun at the park!

Trying to escape with Harley!

Emma Update
Emma is still loving school and is as dramatic as ever. Her imagination has taken off and is usually galloping around the house like a horse or unicorn and is always pretending to go to her cousin's house, or that Dayton and I are her cousins. She used to say, pretend that (insert some elaborate role play idea). So Dayton and I would sit there and if she got mad we weren't doing whatever she said, we would say we were pretending. So her smart little self has gotten around that and now says, "real that (insert her role play idea)." It is so funny!