Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Our Disney Baby

The hospital Emma was born in has a professional photographer that does newborn photos courtesy of the hospital. So here are the 4 that we ordered. They turned out so cute and we love our little Minnie Mouse! 

Also, Emma got to meet her great grandma and grandpa this week so we had to dress her in her other Minnie Mouse outfits from Aunt Sarah and Dad. Gmaw is also staying the week with us. So she is getting lots of snuggles in!

4th of July is next week which means lots of company! Emma will get to meet Aunt Amanda and Corey and Amy for the first time, and Uncle Kyle and Aunt Sarah are coming back!

Monday, June 16, 2014

One Week Old!

Emma is one week today! We have been home 4 days, and have gotten to sleep successfully maybe 2 of those nights, but we love every minute of it.

In week one, Emma has been very alert during her short wake times after bottles, especially at night! When being burped she loves to throw her head around and practice using those neck muscles. When its too bright for her, she will use her hands to cover her eyes and loves to chew on her fingers, arm, our clothes, anything really.

We can't wait to see what she starts to do in week 2! We hope to get a good sleeping schedule down. Fingers crossed!

And now, for pictures....

Aunt Ashley made a wreath to go on our hospital door.

 Little Girl sleeping in her hospital bassinet while mom and dad get a quick nap

 Going home! First car ride!
Happy to be back home with the pugs AND Emma

Covering her eyes

Love all the funny poses she does!

Getting tired of pictures, but I just love this outfit!

Emma 1 week old

Mom needed out of the house so we took a drive to Sonic

This world is too bright

Love her big yawns... and this outfit!

On our way to our first doctors appointment

Harley is very interested in Emma

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Baby Emma Grace is here!!

Emma Grace Perrin was born 6/9/14 at 12:40pm weighing in at 7lbs 15oz 21inches. 

Waiting to go to the OR

First bath
Dad doing the first diaper!! 
My little Red Raider! 

Emma's going home outfit. Minnie Mouse! 

We love her so much already we can hardly take our eyes off of her!! We can't wait until everyone gets to meet her and love on her.