Monday, February 16, 2015

Eight Months

A lot happened in month 7. Emma now has two beautiful bottom teeth! Boy was that fun waiting for those suckers to come through. I hope the rest won't be that way, poor thing was in so much pain. She continues to babble Dada, she likes to whisper it to herself when we are changing her or she's just sitting on the floor playing and its the cutest thing. She's babbling other syllables a little more, but we are still waiting on mama!

Crawling is in our very near future! She has already begun "pulling herself" but it is taking a lot of coercion for her to come to us. Usually my cellphone does the trick, even though I don't let her play with it on a normal basis, it still seems to be interesting enough to "crawl" towards. We are also waving! Mostly at inanimate objects or the pugs, but occasionally on her terms, she will wave at people. Emma has also started pulling herself up to stand. Of course, she does this on her toys that are not the most stable! I guess we need to start baby proofing!

"Where's Emma?" Is a game that she loves to play. She will raise her hands over her head and wait for us to ask, "Where's Emma?" and then will throw her hands down. She will also do this while holding a burp rag or toy.

She LOVES the tv shows Bubble Guppies and Peppa Pig. Probably more Bubble Guppies right now. She gets very excited when the song comes on. (See video below)  We took Emma back to the doctor because her "bronchilitis" still hadn't gone away. So she was given two different allergy medicines and we were told we didn't need to do the breathing treatments anymore. So yay for that!

Chilling with the pugs

Loves her Jerry

More mobile means go for the pugs toys
Trying to get dog toys can be exhausting when they keep moving

Too lazy to hold her own bottle

Time for a walk!

Family picture! :)

Sunny day = cool shades

"Am I doing this eating thing right?"

Such a big girl!

Standing up

Completely conked out after her last bottle of the day

Now that we have teeth, we smile like this!

"Where's Emma?"


 Showing her teeth off!

Valentines Day Party