Saturday, March 14, 2015

Nine Months

Emma Grace is 9 months. This past month was a fast one, but that did not stop her from growing fast! She is a mess! She finally started to feed herself her bottle which means it takes a little longer. We put her in her bouncer and she eats, stops to babble, eats, and repeats. She has so much to say and so little time to say it. So, she has to say it in between breaths from drinking.

We are still pulling around the living room, rather than your traditional on the knees crawling. But she has been getting up on her knees more and more, I just don't think she can get the traction she needs. But forget the crawling, she wants to go straight to running a marathon. She is constantly standing up on anything she can get her hands on. Me, Dayton, her toys, the dogs... anything. We finally went and bought a cube toy that is more stable than her walker, so she can stand and play on it without it moving out from beneath her.

She recently discovered that she can situp and then stand up in her crib...yay. We moved the crib down to the next level so she can do all the standing she wants and hopefully not escape from the crib.

She is getting really good at "walking" too. If she had the balance part figured out, she would be off and we would be in trouble. We are still trying to decide just how much baby proofing we will do. Since both grandparents houses and anyone else house we go to will not be baby proofed we would like her to learn now, that she cannot just get into anything and everything. We will see how that goes! Outlets that are within her reach will definitely be covered though.

We had several snow days the past couple of weeks. The day we got about 4-5 inches we decided to take Emma out and see what she thought. She was not a fan of getting bundled up, and definitely was not a fan of me setting her down in it. Pictures of that below!

Emma is loving being able to pick up snacks with her hands. She does not seem to be very interested in mushy baby food. All she wants to do is grab the spoon from us and chew on it and throw it down for the dogs to lick. But when we pull out her baby Cheetos or yogurt melts, she gets very excited. She loves her snacks!

Figured out how to take our bow off

Harley always wants to be the center of attention

At the Lady Raiders Basketball game

Snow day snuggles with Jerry

Jerry is always by her side...until she tries to pet/eat him

So spoiled with all of her toys

Did NOT like that we laid her down

All better now that mom is holding me!

Daycare Photos! The month of February was all about Texas. So below are some pictures from their Open House, and painting her "Texan boot."

She decided to show the teachers that she can stand up.

Her friend Aaron is always by her side.

Cheesin at daycare
