Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Ten Months

Emma is already 10 months! Still no real crawling, but she is definitely scooting around a lot more and is always wanting to walk with us. This is not easy on our backs!! When she is scooting she starts to get on her knees and we think, "this is it! She's going to crawl," and then she just sits up. It's like she knows she can use her knees, she just chooses not to. Don't get me wrong, we are in NO hurry for her to be really mobile, because we STILL have not baby-proofed and she has discovered that cabinets open and close in her walker or when we are holding her in the kitchen!

She is also STILL refusing to say Mamma! We will tell her to say Mamma and she will look me in the eyes and say Dada with a big grin! She knows she is hilarious, and she is only 10 months.... oh boy!

We went to McKinney for Spring Break. Emma really does not like to be restrained in her car-seat, so the drive was a little rough. We decided to buy some digital episodes of Bubble Guppies so that would make her happy, but we can only handle so many hours of the same episodes over and over again! We were glad to hand her over for her Gmaw, Gpaw, Aunt, Cousins, Corey and Amy and anyone else that was willing to entertain her and give us a break! :) We were gone for almost a week, so she did not get to see her doggies that whole time. I recorded a video of her when she was reunited with her dogs below! She loves them so much and her love for them grows stronger everyday. If they are outside, she wants to be by the door to watch them and gets upset if we walk away from the door.

She also has 4 new top teeth that have popped through! I practically had to do crunches with her on me to get her to smile enough for me to snap a picture. So it is a little blurry, but you can see those pearly whites! After we got through all of those teeth coming through, we are now getting over pink eye AND an ear infection in the past week.

Helping Dad at work

Jax letting Emma crawl all over him.

Getting her Guns Up!!

Trying to take a picture with Jerry.

Waiting for Dad to get home.

So tired, but look, there's a pug to play with!

She thinks it hilarious to share her food with the pugs.

Cloudy Sunday snuggles with Dad and Bubble Guppies.

4 new teeth!


While we were in McKinney we went over to the mall and saw that the Easter Bunny was there, and there was NO line! So, even though she was not dressed in something I would have chosen for Easter pictures, we jumped at the opportunity that there was no line and she was in a good mood! Then on Easter morning, the Easter Bunny came to visit Emma 3 times! She loved all the books she got and even the little treats that were in her eggs.


Emma continues to love daycare. She is getting more mobile, which means she is getting around and into things more! I walked in the other day and her teacher was standing on a little kid chair and decorating the classroom door. I look down to find Emma playing under the chair and her teacher told me she was trying to grab the fake grass on the door and she had already pulled the rabbits leg off.

She apparently makes the faces in her crib (below) all the time after her naps! She is such a mess, but an ADORABLE mess! This month she started doing her guns up all day and it makes her Texas Tech teachers, and mom, very proud! :) Every year the daycare has a photography company come out to do school spring pictures. I was expecting just one simple picture and was surprised when we had 3 to choose from! They turned out so good, and of course we couldn't choose just one pose, so we had to buy them all.

Making funny faces after her nap.
Blowing Raspberries.

Playing outside.

