Thursday, July 23, 2015


A few weeks ago Emma decided to take her first steps. After that, she decided to stop. She decided she showed us and that was all she needed to do. But then this week, it all came back to her! There is a video below of her walking and making her way to the dogs water bowl, of course.

Just chilling on her Bubble Guppies couch

School is exhausting

Loves her tomatoes
Emma loving on Jax

We got to go and meet my friends little boy, Daniel. DeAnna and I were inseparable in middle school/ high school. We slowly drifted apart but have recently started talking a lot again. Her son is just 2 weeks younger. So its good to have someone to talk to about the same phases our kids are going through! They were both pretty shy and did not like sharing their toys. It was a lot of fun to watch Emma "play" with someone her age!

 Terry gave Emma her first haircut while we were in McKinney!

Decided to put a clip in her hair to see what she would do with it. She surprisingly left it in for a bit.

Watching Dad do the yard work.

Trying to turn on the TV with the light remote

Reading in her Tech chair!

Walking & Drinking

School Pictures

Having fun at Chapel

Splash Day

They did everyone's hair at school. Emma is the only one that left hers in.


Teasing Harley
Being Silly

Monday, July 6, 2015

Ear Tubes & 4th of July

We just couldn't keep the ear infections away. So on June 26th, Emma went in and got ear tubes. The surgery was extremely fast, the 30 minutes after waking up from the anesthesia were terrible. They warned us that she wouldn't be in pain, but would be very mad because they feel weird from the anesthesia. They were correct. She screamed the whole time until we left the building. But that is over with and we are hoping the ear infections will also be over with. So far, so good. Now that she can hear better, she is louder!
NOT happy that Jerry is sniffing her shoes. (We were being a little sensitive that day)

Trying to put shoes on

Right before surgery. She got a bear that she named Harley.

Loves to wear her sunglasses

Just hanging with Jerry

Dad taught her where her bellybutton is

She is also a climbing fool! If we are walking around with her she wants to climb on whatever she can. Our friend Amelia donated a mickey mouse chair to Emma, and she loves to climb up into it. She has figured out how to climb into her water table and over her Bubble Guppies couch.

We spent 4th of July at Grandma and Grandpa's. After climbing in and out of the water table over and over we decided to go and buy a kiddie pool. Now she can swim whenever she wants!

Emma was moved up to the big kids class at school. There are only 4 of them in the class, and she is the only girl. They occasionally bring in some of the bigger kids and she does NOT like that. Probably because they are all walking and want to touch her. One little girl always says Emma's name (she used to be in the nursery with her before moving out) and one of the boys just says baby and points to her. Her friend Aaron moved up with her, so that made the transition easier for both. They get to have splash day every Friday and as long as shes not put in the sprinklers, she loves it! They had an Ice Cream social and she got to indulge in some chocolate ice cream, it looks like she loved it!

Her & Aaron being goofy



Eating mashed potatoes

Splashing around
