Thursday, December 13, 2018

Ten Months!

Miss Everly did a lot of growing this month. She finally got her first tooth and took her first steps on the day she turned 10 months!! We also go ear tubes put in the week before Thanksgiving, so yay for no more ear infections!! Oh, is she sleeping through the night now you ask? That's a big fat NOPE.

I'm writing this a little late, so its almost Christmas, but in month 9 we celebrated Halloween and Thanksgiving! For Halloween Everly was the same little monster that Emma was at that age. Emma dressed up as Superwoman. It was cold that night, so we went down one street and called it a night. Emma still ended up with a ton of candy, though. 

We took a quick trip to McKinney at the beginning of Nov to see Kelsie get married. Emma loved getting to see baby Kate and tear up the dance floor with her.

We traveled to Conroe to see Aunt Sarah and Uncle Matt right before Thanksgiving. She did OK in the car. She didn't cry the entire time, so I guess that's a plus. We went to this little 'amusement' park where they had a lot of animals we could go in and pet and feed as well has a park area and putt putt.  After spending a few days there, we drove to Eastland to spend Thanksgiving with more family! Katie also took some family photos of us, she is a magician! Everly, according to the pictures I got, was either sleeping on someone or eating. :) She LOVED eating the Thanksgiving food and pizza... boy did she love pizza. 

**Editing to Add Family Pictures!

Emma Update

Emma had her last soccer game of the season and it was a COLD one. The other team didn't have enough girls show up, so we subbed some of our girls in and I think Emma may have actually done better playing against her friends than she usually does with them. They were all very good sports about it, I was proud of them!