Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Emma Is FOUR!

  Miss Emma Grace turned FOUR this year! We celebrated by having TWO parties. One that morning with her friends at Ready Set Go where they got to jump on trampolines, play in a bounce castle, and swing into a foam pit. And the other, at home with family and friends which meant she got two cakes!    
  She is 3'5" weighing in at 38lbs, and talks NON STOP. She loves to sing all the time and even makes up words pertaining to what she is doing at the moment.The little things she says crack us up daily, sometimes she talks like a teenager! We have our hands full but wouldn't have it any other way. She is SO good with her baby sister. Always talking to her, making sure we are taking care of her correctly, and telling us what to do. For example, if we are feeding Everly and trying to get her to burp she is usually crying, Emma will say "Mom, just give her the bottle." Cracks us up! 
   Emma is still loving school and will be starting Pre-K this fall! She LOVES for us to read to her and has to read at least one book to herself in bed before she falls asleep. She is writing her name so well and they think she will be reading early! Shes our smart little cookie. We cannot wait to see what the next year brings us!

Last time wearing that shirt

She woke up to balloons in her room!

She did NOT like this swing, but was still able to force a smile for me :)

Everyone climbing to the top

Isiah, Joey, Evyn, Tessa, Emma, Brooklyn, and Alex (missing Aubree)

The babysitters during the party

Opening her new toys

Big hugs for her presents

Putting together puzzles with Grannie

Swimming before her 2nd party

Playing her new fishing game

2nd cake of the day

Trying out her new stencils and dry erase board with Nana

Reading with Daddy!

Going to see the horses and Emu

First written thing besides just her name!

The week before her birthday she attended a birthday partie for one of her old friends from school, Aubree. They had a blast swimming! After her birthday we took her to her first movie! We saw Sherlock Gnomes. She did pretty good for her first time. She started trying to walk around and then spent the better half of the movie sitting in my lap. Towards the end she said she wanted to go home, but we made it through the whole movie with only one bathroom break!

Emma, Aubree, and Evyn

Had to take a picture with her Jer Bear

Our big girl going to the movies in her cowgirl boots and purse!

Waiting for the movie

Almost had the whole theater to ourselves

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Four Months!

Our sweet Everly is 4 months old! Weighing in at 13.1lbs and 25inches long! We went on our first trip to McKinney this past month and got Baptized! The trip down wasn't too bad. The trip back was a bit different. We pretty much screamed the whole time if we weren't asleep. Luckily Nana and Papa took Emma with them so that helped a ton. She has started taking more catnaps and is up a lot more. When she is awake shes very smiley most of the time, but then just like that a switch us flipped and she is DONE. She gets very talkative and that's usually a sign that shes about to be very upset shortly after. I think we wear her out trying to talk to her and get her to smile and laugh! Or maybe she just is not amused with us! :) Emma is still madly in love with her sister and is always trying to get her to play with her! 

Cousin Lilybet getting to hold baby Everly!

Stopped in Seymour for dinner!

Tummy time at school

On our way to McKinney!


Emma had her spring ballet recital this past month. She did great! She is the most adorable little ballerina! We got a pretty good storm with some hail in it one afternoon so once it was done I let Emma go out and jump in muddy puddles and she got to check out the hail. It was all very exciting for her! We celebrated Mothers day, which I was very sick for, so the girls snuggled in bed with me and watched cartoons. The sign I got from daycare about me from Emma was hilarious! I love getting those! Our sassy little girl will be FOUR in just a few days, its hard to believe! 

Muffins with Moms!

Sunday morning cartoons in bed on Mothers Day

The pure joy of jumping in muddy puddles!


Playing on the swing at school

Sweet girl being a ham at school

Trying on my shoes! haha

Got a ring pop at school

Swimming at Gmaw and Gpaws