Friday, September 7, 2018

Seven Months!

Month 6 was a little rough for us. Poor Everly had an ear infection the entire month. After two rounds of antibiotics one ear infection turned into a double ear infection. We just recently finished our 3rd round of antibiotics and are watching her closely to see if she still has one. We cant figure out if the sleeplessness is from bad habits from the past month or if she has another one. We will give it another day before taking her back to the doctor. Speaking of sleep... what is that? These ear infections have ruined her! Although she would wake up in the middle of the night, she would at least go back to sleep. Not anymore. Its nearly impossible to get her back to sleep without putting up a huge fight, which doctor said not to let her cry much until we could get ear infections and allergies under control. Help! We did get put on better allergy meds and she seems SO much better, so hopefully that will mean the end of ear infections.

Everly is now crawling as best as I think she is going to. She kind of just lunges herself with her feet because she would rather be standing. And does a lot of downward dog poses. Now that she can get around that way, she would rather climb all over us and stand up! She is even getting brave and has let go a few times after getting herself stood up. It will be interesting to see if she is walking soon. Emma didn't walk until well after a year old! She also says "DaDa" a lot. Especially when shes upset.

We drove to Midland for the day one Saturday and Everly screamed half way there, then on the way home screamed the entire way home minus the first 30 minutes. Should make our 5 hour trip to Colorado this month interesting.

Even with this rough month we still adore this little girl and her sister more than anything and cant wait to see what month 7 brings us!

Loves her pugs

Headstand/Downward Dog

Just standing on the couch

Jerry always by her side

Baby in a box

Kara babysitting

Everyone in Karas lap

Emma update

Emma started Pre-K this month! Our Daycare is a certified Texas school ready school. So we kept her there for Pre-K and will be moving to public school next year. Scary! So far she loves it and is doing great! She still entertains us daily with her sass and still helps us entertain Everly and adores her!

Entertaining Everly

Just had to take a picture in-front of that tree at school!

Obsessed with wearing heels lately!

Is my tongue blue? 

Snuggles with Harley


Santa wrote her a letter and sent money!

Her wedding dress. She was going to marry Dad when he woke up that morning