Monday, October 1, 2018

Eight Months!

I feel like I JUST did one of these, how are we already at 8 months? I feel like this month was pretty quiet for Everly. I think we went the whole month with no ear infections and only one doctors appointment when we thought she had one, but didn't. Spoiler alert, we took her to the doctor ON her 8 month birthday and she has another double ear infection. Boo! I have requested a referral to the ENT to look into tubes.

She has gotten very mobile and is crawling and standing up on everything! She LOVES to go over to the dogs and use them as a prop to stand up, all while grabbing a fist full of hair and putting her wide open mouth on them. yuck. But she loves them and gets the biggest grin when she sees them, its so adorable. She has also taken a liking to the outdoors. If I walk over to the door to let the dogs out she squeals in excitement thinking we are going out there. So now that the weather has been nice we will go play in the grass for a bit. Its her happy place!

Still no teeth, but she has started eating the foods they are serving in the cafeteria at school and is doing so good with them!

Still not sleeping through the night, but hoping tubes might help with this. At least, we will be able to rule out an ear infection and she will have no excuses! ha!

Hanging out with Miss Tiffany and Addy at soccer practice

Feeding herself

Always entertaining her little sister

Discovering she can get outside through the doggy door

Uncle Shane and Aunt Hannah were visiting!

ALWAYS wants to chew on my coffee mug

sweet girl on picture day!

Pictures were going real well 

Both girls sleeping... its a miracle

Emma Update

Emma started soccer this month! She did so good at her first game. She acted like she wanted to play defense the whole time. even if they were on the opposite side of the field she would run back down in case the ball came the other way to keep them from scoring. She then had a slight meltdown about sweating. They went to the apple orchard at school and had a blast picking apples and taking hay rides! They are working on writing out full words at school and she is doing so good! I think her handwriting is already better than mine!

Dressed in her wedding dress

First soccer practice

Ready for her soccer game!

The apples she picked at the orchard

Reading to Jerry

Dad made heart shaped toast

Bahama Bucks after her first soccer game!

Starbucks treat after getting over Strep throat

Playing Dads new cornhole game