Wednesday, July 9, 2014

One Month

One Month!

Emma Grace is one month today!! Where has the time gone!? Emma loves to show us how strong she is and lifts her head, but really only enjoys it when doing tummy time on us. Tummy time on the ground is a lot of grunting and chewing on her arm, but she still seems to tolerate it and tries really hard to "crawl" by kicking her legs. 

A few nights ago she started sleeping 5-6 hours in between one of the feedings at night and then about 3-4 between the second feeding. That means only having to get up twice in the night! Praise the Lord! Lets hope it stays that way until the next growth spurt and when teething begins. We can't wait to see what she will start doing this month!

She makes the funniest faces when we are having tummy time on mom and dad.

Snuggles with mom

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