Friday, October 24, 2014

Solids, Tailgate, and Playing with Toys

At Emma's 4 month appointment we were given the green light on starting solids. They said to start with rice cereal and if she took it well, we can start with "level 1" foods. Below is a video of how "well" she took it. Very entertaining for us! Needless to say, we took a break and will give it try again next week. Her expressions crack us up! When I recorded this the phone froze and the video was gone. I was so bummed. Then today it magically showed up! I am so happy that we have this video and can all see Emma's first bites. :)

NOT impressed
Wiping it off of her mouth
Emma got to go to her first tailgate. Of course, it was cold and rainy but we bundled up and she seemed to enjoy all of the attention! She is also starting to reach for her toys a lot more and loves to grab them and chew on them. Just this past week she seems to have found her knees and toes. I suspect she will be chewing on those little toes in no time!

Loves her doggy

Her face cracks me up!

After bath crazy hair!

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