Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Five Months

Emma is still growing and growing like a weed! She has officially learned how to roll over, although she doesn't really like to show mom and dad that she can roll from tummy to back without a fuss and a little help. Daycare told us they had her and another little boy on separate mats and she managed to roll her way to him and started touching him. Speaking of touching, she LOVES feeling and grabbing everything. She has discovered the pugs and loves to put her hands on them and grab them, and she has been watching them a lot. She and Jerry are buds and he is always next to her and following her around. Harley on the other hand just pouts, he's used to being the baby.

In October we took Emma to her first basketball game and she LOVED it. She was mad in the car on the way there because she was hungry, but when we got there she would have nothing to do with the bottle, there was just too much to look at! We sat in a suite for the Rawls College of Business, so I took her to the inside part away from all the action and was able to get some food down.  She just loved all the lights and sound so much.

Emma can almost sit up on her own and has found her toes and loves to eat them! She also continues to be our little smiley girl. She is so happy and all smiles most of the time and we love doing whatever we can to make her smile even more! Enjoy the pictures!

Ready for the game!

Ready for my first Tech BBall game, no big deal

Where's Emma?
Found her!

Eating our toes!

Tummy time with Jerry

Ready for a walk

Some videos of Emma Playtime!


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