Saturday, December 13, 2014

Six Months

Emma is 6 months! Half a year! Did we skip a couple of months? I can't believe we have survived as parents and Emma is still surviving us for 6 months already! :)

Emma is sitting up on her own now and loves it! She's not happy at daycare if she isn't sitting up playing with her friends or in the jumper. She is 26 inches tall and weighs 15.5lbs! She was diagnosed with bronchilitis and we had the option of letting it ride out (like we have been for several months now) or we could try breathing treatments. We opted to try the breathing treatments as we are willing to do anything to help our snotty girl! So she is now a proud owner of a purple dragon nebulizer. The doctor said she can tell there are teeth coming soon, they just wont make their appearance. Which would explain the constant drool, chewing on things, and some sleepless nights. Come on tooth, come on!!

We are excited to celebrate Emma's first Christmas! Santa will be coming to daycare on Friday, and we MIGHT brave the mall and go and see Santa there too. We can't wait to see her open presents and play with her new toys!

look at her ruffle butt! ;)

Shes proud of herself for being able to put the paci in by herself!

So proud of herself for pooping.

Pug Kisses

Playing with blocks.

Watching Saturday morning cartoons.

Emma petting Mickey.

Emma and Aunt Debbie.

Pulling her socks off.

Love her face here!

First breathing treatment.

Purple dragon!

**If the videos arent loading for you on this page you can view them at the links listed!

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