Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Fall Activities

The weather has finally cooled down and we can play outside more! After I pick Emma up from school we like to walk out to the mailbox together and then on our way back, stop to play in the rocks. We usually play out there until Dad gets home, or she starts trying to eat the rocks. She is such a goofball and LOVES being outside. We built a shed one weekend and she was a very good helper. She tried helping us lift the bricks for the foundation, then decided she would just entertain Harley instead.

We took her to her first football game and it was... interesting. She does not like to sit still. So that was a little hard and the seats are SO close that we were trying to keep her from touching/kicking the people in front of her. We only stayed for one quarter because we ran out of snacks and that was the only thing keeping her occupied! We can at least say we tried. :)

Had to sit in her own seat

Uh oh... she looks like trouble

Shes coming after me!

She got me!

Emma & Jerry conspiring on how to get to the other dogs

We went to the corn maize/pumpkin patch. Emma is not quite old enough to do the length of the corn maize, but this place we went to has a lot of other activities. We went on a hay ride and got to stop out in the middle of the pumpkin patch and pick out however many pumpkins we wanted. There were farm animals to look at, Emma was a little hesitant to get near the chicken coop that housed a turkey, then all of a sudden she practically wanted to be in there with the turkey and was sticking her face in the fence to look at it. We had to pull her away from the coop she was so amused.

We then went through a mini hay maze, and got to take a cow train through a small part of the corn maize and threw a fit when the ride was over with. We had a lot of fun and Grandma and Grandpa got to experience it with us! We hope to make it a tradition to go and pick out our pumpkins there and one day do the maze.
What is that thing?!

"How can I get closer to these things?"

We had visits from Emma's great grandparents, Mamaw and Papaw, and Uncle Kyle! Grandparents were on their way back from a vacation and decided to stop in Lubbock so they could see us. Emma was quite the hoot.  We went to dinner at Rosa's Friday night and when Dayton went to get us refills, Emma spotted him across the restaurant and proceeded to yell Dada VERY loudly until he got back. Mamaw and Papaw then came over Saturday and got more of her entertainment and even got to read to her!  Uncle Kyle came in for a quick visit and Emma was very amused by his pedal board and the case for it. So he let her push lots of buttons and packed her in the case.

On Halloween we painted pumpkins. Since we still had a very large box from the shed we built, we decided to put her in it and let her go to town with the paint. So, no, we don't always throw her in a mini baby boxing ring look alike. For Halloween Emma was a bee. When we went to put her costume on... she threw a FIT! After stuffing some candy in her and getting her outside, she was a little bit happier! We only went to a few houses, as she really doesn't need all the candy, just the experience! Towards the end she got a little braver and would get the candy, turn around and say "bye, bye" and go back to her wagon.

"Can I eat it?"

Got Harley!

School Pics!

Sleeping on a big kid cot!

Halloween Party

Playing outside

Playing with her dolly

Holding hands with a boy! Eeeek


I have uploaded a lot of videos to my YouTube channel, so if you want to watch any of them over and over and over again you can go here! https://www.youtube.com/user/kperrin11/videos
There are a lot that I haven't ever posted on here, and plan on uploading more, so they wont be in chronological order!

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