Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Christmas 2015

Alright, bare with me because this post is going to have A LOT of pictures. So just keep scrolling! :)

At the beginning of Christmas Shane graduated from Texas Tech so we had a celebration at our house. We had a lot of friends and family there, including Gus. Gus is 6 months older than Emma and it was so good to see them playing. Well...trying. They are both still learning how to share, which made it even more fun to watch! I hope we can see them a lot more so they can grow up together like we did with the Schneider/Wells family.

Here are some fun pictures of us attempting to get Emma to sit and smile (at the same time) in order to get Christmas card pictures! As well as some cute randoms.

Sitting awkwardly

Playing with Harley


Dressed up for her Christmas Party at School

Our picture with Santa. It counts, right?

Painting herself with Ranch

We had Christmas with Dayton's side of the family before heading down to McKinney for Christmas with Kayla's family. Emma came down with a cold and was running fever pretty much the whole week, but it finally broke Christmas morning. Luckily Aunt Sarah was here to snuggle her, she even fell asleep on her which never happens anymore.

Christmas Time!!
Santa delivered Emma a slide for the backyard and a doll house. Her Aunt Ashley and Uncle Shane played with her a lot on the slide, read books, played with the doll house and with her new babies. She got to spend a lot of (but not enough) time with her cousin Lilybet. They play so well and Lily is so patient with her. I love it and wish we lived closer so she would have a mini babysitter! :) While we were away we got 11 inches of snow in Lubbock, which means a week later there was still a ton of snow to play in!

Using her new vaccuum

LOVE this picture

Eating Texas Roadhouse butter

Back home and being crazy

Picnic time

Ready for the snow!!

Throwing the snow


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