Thursday, July 5, 2018

Five Months!

Miss Everly is 5 months! She is loving chewing on her fingers, sleeping on her tummy, and watching her sister. She hates her paci unless we are holding her and shes in the mood for it. Calming her down with one to get her to sleep at night in her bed? Forget it! She would rather us hold her until she falls asleep and then sleeps until shes hungry. Which I guess is good in the aspect that Dayton is not constantly having to put a paci back in when she wakes herself up, but unfortunately that means when shes up shes up! She slept until 5:30 the day she turned 5 months!! Has it happened again? You bet it hasn't! We are onto you little girl, we know its possible now! ;) Sitting up has become better and she has begun pulling her knees up under her while doing tummy time. Oh boy! We will see if she actually tries crawling unlike her sister did.

Dad reading books

Picture with Dad for Fathers Day!

Always chewing on those fingers

Sweet snuggly girl

Big sister playing with Everly

haha! Sticking her tongue out!

Emma needed a picture too!

Emma loves to help us make bottles!

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