Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Eleven Months

One more month and this child will be ONE!! Hard to believe this year has flown by so fast. First thing is first... I left out a few adorable photos from Easter so I have to post them, even though they are from last month!

"What's all of this?"


Okay, back to this month. She has had more cases of pink eye and ear infections! Mothers day we took Emma to the walk in clinic and sure enough, she had a double ear infection. The doctor, who almost knows us better than her regular pediatrician, put her on a different antibiotic to see if this one will work, and last. He said he saw us exactly a month from the day we were in there for the same problem! ugh!

Emma has started moving more, sometimes even crawling but then going right back to her belly! She has discovered her toy box, and has figured out she can get over there by herself. Her happy place, though, is outside. She loves to sit out there and watch the pugs be pugs. She actually gets really mad if I walk over to the door to let the dogs out and I don't stay there or go out there so she can watch them.

She is saying mama on her own terms and when she is really mad. But still, mama, none the less!
We finally relinquished all control and told daycare to feed her whatever they were feeding the older children as long as they thought it was safe. We have been stressing over food for so long, and letting daycare use their judgement has lifted that weight and she is doing so good! She gets to eat a better, and more exciting, lunch than we do everyday! This has helped SO much with the blowouts (TMI, but its true and most of you know the issues we've been having with that). Our washing machine has even gotten a couple of days off a time or two! It has been fun to see her report everyday to see what all she has eaten. Some of the things like Tuna, fish sticks, meatloaf, are things we probably would never feed her at home because, eww, but she doesn't have to know that! :) Maybe she wont be as picky as us!

This month will be spent planning Emma's first birthday party! So much pressure for something she wont even remember! Ha! We are very excited about it and can't wait to see how much she will develop in the next couple of months, and hopefully no more ear infections!

Trying to feed ourselves yogurt, then we let the dogs clean her up! :)

LOVES remotes.

Dad training her early to love retro video games.

Sharing apples with Mom.

Being a baby is exhausting.
Took a walk to feed the horses in our Under Armour workout clothes from Amy & Corey!

Refusing to nap at daycare results in napping on the way home.

"Mom, its too early to take pictures."

Eating outside on a nice afternoon

Muffins with Moms at daycare.

She discovered the dogs water bowl and is trying to crawl through since I wont let her past the water jug.

Found her toybox!

Being nosy. Have to find out whats in the box.

 Daycare Photos 

SO tired, couldn't even finish her snack.

Mothers day craft.



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