Tuesday, June 9, 2015


Happy 1st Birthday to Emma Grace!! 

Emma is one today! This morning we threw balloons in her crib and woke her up. She was pretty amused, and still very sleepy. We are going to pick her up from school early and take her to Toys R Us and let her pick out a toy. THEN we are going to Chick Fil A and getting her her first kids meal. We LOVE Chick Fil A... so its only fitting that we introduce her to it on this monumental day. Emma's birthday party will be Saturday. We will try to take lots of pictures!

Another month... another double ear infection. :( We went and saw Emma's real Dr. for the first time since all of these infections started and she is referring us to an ENT for possible tubes. Although, the more she looked at the charts and her ears she thinks its possible the original infection just never went away. We see her again on June16th for Emma's booster shots and she will evaluate the infection and see if it goes away or not. So we will see. I just want her better and not in pain! During the day she acts as though nothing is wrong, but at night when they are hurting, she tells us! Poor thing wants to sleep, but the pain keeps her from it. 

She is still not walking, but she is able to get into everything! She has discovered the dogs water bowl. She LOVES to just splash in it and thinks its hilarious because she knows she shouldn't be doing it. We will start her out in the living room and once we lose sight of her she goes straight for the water. If we ask what shes doing she will turn around and look at us with a big smile on her face and crawl faster towards it. We usually swoop her up right before she gets to it. If its bath night, she might get lucky and we will let her play in it for a little bit.

She is also our little meat eating food monster. She is eating whatever we eat, and if that involves veggies or fruit she tends to throw that to the dogs and eat the meat. She seems to do better at eating the veggies and fruits at school.

We think Emma has said her first official word. Aside from momma and dada it sounds like she is saying HARLEY. The one pug that doesn't really care to be around her, and that's the first word she can speak. Go figure! We will try to get video of it.

My wonderful little family!

"What? Am I not supposed to be under here?"

Getting into Dads video games

Spaghetti eating mess

Had to lick the plate!
We took a trip to Ranger, TX for Memorial Day to see lots of family at the ranch. It was a lot of fun and we are so glad Emma got to see a small fraction of her crazy family and had lots of babysitters!
Aunt Ashley and Emma

Talking to Uncle Robert while eating on G-maw

Playing ball with Lilybet

Playing with Lilybet

She got G-paw to walk her around


Emma's Balloon Surprise

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